
holy fire中文是什么意思

  • 神圣之火



  • 例句与用法
  • The wicked out of hell praise thee, because you have shown them that the fire that is not quenched is a holy fire .
  • Increases the damage of your smite and holy fire spells by 5 %
    增加你惩击和神圣之火的伤害5 % 。
  • " holy fire " : the rank 9 tooltip has been corrected to indicate it does holy damage
    “神圣之火” :等级9的技能说明修正为造成“神圣伤害” 。
  • Joy is the holy fire that keeps our purpose warm and our intelligence aglow
  • Reduces the casting time of your smite , holy fire , heal and greater heal spells by 0 . 1 sec
    减少你的惩击,神圣之火,治疗和强力治疗术的施法时间0 . 1秒。
  • Increases the range of your smite and holy fire spells and the radius of your prayer of healing and holy nova spells by 10 %
    增加你惩击和神圣之火的距离以及治疗祷言和神圣新星的范围10 % 。
  • Upon rescuing the blessed flier , they realized the immense power behind our beloved masters teachings , which on that occasion manifested as a holy fire
  • With the gentle centripetal rise of the ground suggesting the rise of the chinese nation , the holy fire of china is located right in the middle of the plaza
  • With the gentle centripetal rise of the ground suggesting the rise of the chinese nation , the holy fire of china is located right in the middle of the plaza
  • St . john the baptist said that , " it s no doubt i baptize by water but the one who will come after me who s greater , he will baptize by the holy fire or by the holy spirit .
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 百科解释
The Holy Fire (Greek ?γιον Φ??, "Holy Light") is described by Orthodox Christians as a miracle that occurs every year at the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem on Great Saturday, or Holy Saturday, the day preceding Orthodox Easter. It is considered by many to be the longest-attested annual miracle in the Christian world.
  • 推荐英语阅读
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